Saturday, October 25, 2008

Why should YOU SQUAT?

Ladies and gents listen up why should you SQUAT? Why not ladies doing squats will tone the legs firm and lift the butt and get rid of those craters on the back side of your legs too. Fellas you want to grow do some damn squats dont be afraid to crawl out of the gym just do it. You play sports squats will build up overall strength and explosive power and it works the whole body!!!!! Ladies squats will shape those legs up very nice have those jeans fitting better and have your hips ready to get down so to speak but its true!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Hey girls and guys part 3 for you routines hit your abs hard with weighted exercises and with body weight exercises too. Do hanging leg raises 3-4 sets of 20 reps each set, and hold a dumbbells in between your feet and do knee raises the same 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps each set. Laying on the floors do legs lifts sets of 20 followed right after by 5 slow crunches repeat five times to reach 100 reps do that circuit three times a week.

Monday, October 20, 2008


Hey back here for part 2 of 3 eating habits let's make sure you cut out carbs after lunch also no fruits after lunch either.  Eat more vegetables like 2 cups a day go for the fat free, less sodium, reduced fat in all the things you eat. No fast foods no processed foods only whole foods salads every other day with light or no dressing. When you go out to eat all sauce and toppings on the side no white potatoes sweet potatoes instead. Stay away from the white rice eat brown rice or wheat pasta instead of the white rice.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Let's get a FLAT STOMACH!!!!!!! Part 1 of 3

Hey ladies and gents wanna get that stomach to be a little bit flatter. Listen you gotta do a few things hit your abs from different angles cardio, eating habits, and workout routines. Try doing sprints instead of longer periods of lower sustained heart rate try to sprint for a minute then jog then repeat for 30 min. Also try different pieces of cardio equipment just not the treadmill. Try the elliptical its harder than the treadmill but the results will be better plus you will sweat a lot more too.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

No more Wet noodles!!!!

When you wear a sleeveless shirt do people ask if you left the rest of your arm at home!!!!! Guys you have to try new things with your arms try training them with big muscles like Chest and triceps or Back and biceps. Or to get a little different pump try Chest and biceps or Back and triceps to hit the arms in a different way!!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Guys wanna gain weight read on!!!!!!

Hey guys do you always get told your so skinny or you like your sick do something about it. Guys you need to eat more carbs and protein for carbs do your bodyweight times 2.5 in grams and 2 times for number of grams of protein. Also don't forget drink some more water like at least a gallon try and anthoner half of a gallon of water. Then a very wise man told me this try to drink a half gallon of low fat chocolate milk everyday it works Tom Mitchell told me that.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hey guys stop wearing long pants everyday work your calves damnit!!!

Hey guys I know you don't like to do legs but you have to they'll only make you stronger overall. Some look like a snow cone all upper body and never ever work those things that look like twigs coming out of your shorts. Work those calves you can work them out like every other day hit them and hit them hard superset seated calf raises with standing calf raises 4 sets of 25 reps.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Ladies lets try to reverse gravity

Hey ladies try these out do some sumo stance squats where your legs are outside of your shoulders with toes pointed outward. This will put more work onto glutes and the inner thigh make sure you squat down until the tops of your thighs are parallel to the ground. Also do some walking lunges with a double pump which is you lunge then come up and go back down and squeeze the glutes at the top. Make sure you do 3-4 sets of each doing about 12-15 reps per set and about that many reps per leg with the lunges.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Wanna Build some big shoulders read on!!!

Try this out next delt training day do a superset of seated military press like 50% of your max do about 6-8 reps. Then with the same weight do standing barbell press till failure. You will have to leave the ego at the door cause it will hurt then do the same with dumbbell presses seated then standing till failure. Try that out and let me know how it feels.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Need help closing that gap between your pecs?

One easy way to close that valley in the middle of your chest is switch up things use dumbbells instead of a barbell sometimes. When doing presses stop right before the dumbbells touch at the top of the movement and flex the chest muscles together for a second. Try this with incline, flat, and decline benches should give a nice little difference in closing that gap. Also you can do cable crossovers and also incline bench with the cables will give the chest a good pump too.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

A few good eating habits to keep in mind.

Hey guys and girls lets keep in mind who doesn't want to lose a little bit of that spare tire around the stomach. So try these easy tips try not to eat carbs after lunch, drinks more water, eat a meal every three hours.